P200 3D

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This rig is not a true stereo camera, rather it is two normal digital cameras paired via integrated wiring and alignment bars. Functions such as POWER, SHUTTER and ZOOM are run from one (master) camera.
Turn on the power button on top of the MASTER camera (on right- with strap). Both cameras should power up.

Synchronization between cameras may drift after some time- if so, power down then up again.

Set function dial to "CAMERA" on both cameras to take pictures. Shutter button next to POWER button fires both cameras.

Press button partially down to focus until green dots stop blinking, then take shot.

If one camera powers down accidentally, wait a few minutes for the other to power down automatically before powering up again.

It's recommended in most cases to avoid using the flash... check that the "NO FLASH" icon is active on BOTH cameras.
In a low light situation you will get a flashing warning- a tripod would be a good idea!
Remove the center knob on the bottom bar to expose the tripod hole (replace when finished!).
If flash is necessary, hit the FLASH button as shown until the "FLASH" icon appears in the window as shown (starts yellow, turns smaller and white) on BOTH cameras. You can also use "SL" flash mode but tripod is recommended*.

(*sync between cameras is not guaranteed with flash, but SL mode is usually safer. Check exposures for matching lighting!)

Wide and telephoto control on MASTER (right) camera controls both cameras, but it's recommended to stay wide if possible. If tighter shot is needed, check that similar numbers are in both viewers (1.4x, 1.7x, etc).
To review images, turn dial to PLAYBACK and  step through side arrow keys. Leave in PLAYBACK mode for storage.
PUSH sliding door on the side to access memory stick. Connect to computer with USB reader. Keep LEFT and RIGHT files in separate folders (cards are color coded).
Charge both cameras with two supplied chargers.

Stereo SLIDE Services / Stereo PHOTOGRAPHY / Stereo VIDEO / COMPUTER Stereo /
ANAGLYPH Stereo / Stereo PROJECTION / Stereo FOR SALE / Ron Labbe / Stereo LINKS